So it has been a while since I have posted...sorry! But it is spring time and our lives always get busy this time of year. Breeze is doing great. Though her levels have been high the past two weeks, which is a bummer, but all we can do is up the formula intake and check again next week. She is growing, and eating more and more. She is just about 17 pounds now and in 9 days she will be 6 months old! She is sleeping about 12 hours at night, yah! But she has always been a good sleeper. The weather has been amazing this spring so we have been going on daily walks outside. Breeze loves the carrier so I wear her all the time. I LOVE my carrier! The brand I have is
Freehand, designed by a local couple, it puts her into a very comfortable sitting position which is good for her hips, well I guess I should say not bad for her hips. We have also been going to this great indoor water park to go swimming. Breeze loves the water, but that is not surprising since her father does too! Breeze is getting very strong, she has lots of tummy time, and practices sitting on her own. Although she still just tips over so she needs a soft landing! She has rolled over, twice,and seems not interested in doing it again! We also have started using American Sign Language with her. Which is fun for us to learn as well! We are using the
Signing Times series of videos.
Today was a big day for Breeze, she tried rice cereal for the first time! She did not think it was so exciting, she didn't know what to think actually. But I was excited for her. She didn't seem to like her Johnny Jumper that much at first and now she loves it. So we will just give it time. Since she does not really eat that much of it I did not have to count it towards her phe intake for the day. I mixed it with formula, not breast milk. We have an appointment with Casey, our dietitian, on Monday to learn all about starting solids. I spoke with her on Friday and she said that I could go ahead and try the cereal over the weekend. So, more info to come about solids!
So I have been feeling the need to interact with other PKU moms for a while now and finally I got in touch with one who lives in the Denver area! She is heading up the effort to start a PKU non profit here in Denver. So I am going to join efforts with her. She has a daughter who has PKU, she is 16. So I am excited to meet them. I willl keep you posted better I promise!
Going on a walk! |
She loves it! Cant you tell?! |
Only the best for this girl |
She kept trying it! |
New swing at Memaw and Pappy's! |
Her new favorite spot |
"Yah, I could roll over if I wanted to....." |
Super Baby! |
Just Cute |
Swimmin! |