Nothing about our parenthood journey has been traditional. We were unable to conceive the old fashion way. So with a little help from modern medicine we got pregnant on January 15th 2010(yes I know the actual date!). Breeze was born on October 9th 2010 after an amazing birth experience at Mountain Midwifery. We went in for the normal two day check up and Breeze had a little heel prick to take her blood for what is generally called the' newborn screening test'. Six blissful days later, the 'Happy New Mommy Bubble' was popped by a single phone call.
A midwife nurse called to inform me that Breeze's screening for PKU had come back high and I needed to go to Children's Hospital that day to get a more specific test. I was holding it together pretty good until she told me this could interfere with breastfeeding. Until that day I had not heard Breeze really cry,the pain she felt broke my heart into a thousand pieces. One good thing about a blood draw is when they are over, so is the pain, I think that Breeze recovered quicker than I did though. I'm not sure I will ever fully recover from learning that my child has PKU, although she is and will be a perfectly normal child.
I'm not sure I will recover from the fact that I have a child who has a disease.
I'm not sure I will ever recover from how blessed and lucky I feel that she has a disease that is treatable.
I will never fully recover from the fact that God chose me to be this little girls Mother. Chose Me, the one who hates to do dishes, but will wash bottles and nipples all day long. Chose Me, the one who hates hospitals, but will take her there to get her blood drawn once a week. Chose Me, who is all about organic and non processed food, will make formula and processed lo-protein food for her and tell her"this is a "Yes Food" So, so far nothing about this journey has been what I would call the traditional experience, and I can honestly say now, I would not have it any other way.
With this blog I am hoping to be a source of information to my family and friends and possible other PKU Mom's about a day in the life of Breeze, our precious child who is made even more special and rare because she has PKU. With a little extra info thrown in as well. Enjoy!

Love this. You are the best choice for a mother of a child with this disease. Mother and Advocate. I am happy Henleigh will have a friend who she can learn indifference and tolerance from... that is the best gift to all of us. We can never have enough of these! Love you em you are one of the strongest women I know.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea, Emele! You are and will continue to be a fantastic Mama!