Sunday, June 17, 2012

One of those day...

Today has been one of those days where I wish I had another PKU mom friend to just talk with. It all started with my dream I had last night. I dont remember the details but the gist of it was basically the world as we know was ending and that included how I got Breeze's periflex formula. What would I do with out it? How would Breeze become if she didn't have it? These are very scary questions for me and this dream made me face one of my biggest fears. What if we could not get her formula? The "healthy" way I eat is not healthy for her, and today, that makes me sad and frustruated. I dont want to feel this way and I considered not sharing this post,but reality is, this is not always easy for me. Reality is, I get upset still, I get sad and it is hard. I have always wanted this to be a positive blog about PKU, but also I want it to be real. What is real? My daughter has PKU. There are lots and lots of foods for her to eat. She is really healthy and really happy, and,I have a very large basement to hold lots of periflex formula stores.

Side note

After reading this post, if you feel any sort of sadness towards me please feel free to read the post'Please dont tell me your sorry.';) I,just like any new Mom, have had one of those days. And I feel better after telling you all about it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emele, it's Michelle, mom of twins Lucy (with PKU) and Lily (without PKU). Thanks for sharing your blog site on Cook For Love! I just started one myself called For the Love of Twins, and will share it publicly soon.

    I've definitely had days like this, too. We should get together with Margueritte and the other PKU mom you know soon! I see Margueritte at the hospital pretty regularly, and always keep my eyes open for you, but it sounds like you go on a different day. (We go on Mondays.)
