Friday, November 9, 2012

This girl can eat!

Adjusting to what Breeze can and cant eat has been slightly difficult for me at times. Processed food, what? Cheese like food, gross. I find myself thinking, "well that looks too healthy, she probably cant have that."Everything touts protein, protein, protein! Me get negative? Never!

So I have come to the conclusion(and a more positive one) everything I have control over, the food she can have, will be the best(to me that means organic, fresh, power foods). At around 10 months old it was getting difficult to get this girl full on just veggies and fruit, it was time to add lo-protein food(the filler) to her diet. It was time for carbs. So I bought some lo-pro pasta, crackers, cereal, made some bread, tortillas, pancakes, oh and she can have gluten free pretzels. I am blessed that Breeze loves to eat, but her food taste good, I make sure of that. I always try it first, if its not good to me, I am not giving it to her. I am not a picky eater and I like most things, but there have been a few things that she wont eat and I understand why!

Another thing is even if I have never had it, or know that I am not really a big fan, but its low in phe I offer it to her. One being sauerkraut,  Breeze would drink the juice if I let her! I also bought her some sea weed chips and she likes those as well! One thing I have found that it is easier to find sweet food for Breeze than savory/salty. So when I do find something in that area she tends to gobble it up. "Solids" was daunting to start with Breeze and took some work but I feel we are adjusting. 

Our dietitian has been great and supportive in allowing me to continue breastfeeding, and I have a great group that I am part of on FB and also a non profit organization called' Cook for Love' that has a ton of great PKU friendly recipes. I feel very blessed to be so connected to so many supportive Moms in the same situation even if miles are between us. I have connected with Three other PKU Moms in the Denver area with girls all around Breezes age that has been great as well.

Veggie Nuggets

Cassava Potato Latkes

Lo-Protein Bread

One Happy Eater!


  1. Great post, Emele! I feel negative sometimes, too but always feel better knowing other PKU moms feel the same way.

    I will definitely have to try these recipes in a few months, so will probably have some questions for you!

    I LOVE that photo of Breeze - super cute!!

  2. I like your blog! I am always happy to find people that have a positive outlook on PKU. : ) I have PKU. I am 24 and now expecting my first baby! So you'll get through! You are such a good mom to cook all those yummy foods for your daughter. I thought it was funny you mentioned that it's easier to find sweet foods than savory/salty. I have a major salt tooth, so maybe that's why! Because I can't eat meat so I have to eat other things to get that savory flavor. Anyway, nice to find your blog. Happy PKU-ing!
    Check out my blog:
